💜 屋苑的愛III💜 Neighbour Love III💜

💚 屋苑的愛II💚 Neighbour Love II💚

🧡 屋苑的愛🧡 Neighbour Love🧡

藝術對你嚟講係啲咩?What does art even mean to you?

媽咪,我可以帶個男仔返屋企過夜嗎?❤ Hey mom can I bring over a guy I just met?

Mak Ying Tung 2 surprised the audience with an unexpected performance during a virtual studio visit hosted by Para Site last Wednesday. During the performance, Mak 2 brought to life a fictitious alter ego parodic of the common misconceptions surrounding artists and the art world. A spectacle that overlaps reality with farcical narratives, the performance epitomizes the humourous critique that is exemplary of Mak 2’s creative practice.

🤑💸單身系列之姣媾倫敦金融才俊💸🤑 Single life Series - I Went On A Date With An Investment Banker From London

連續劇古晶の女性主義學堂之麻雀情緣(第二集)Koo Jing Feminist Lecture Ep2 - Mahjong Romance

情陷夜中環之港女MakMak大戰蘭桂坊🌼棟篤笑 Hong Kong Girl VS Lan Kwai Fong Standup OpenMic

連續劇古晶の女性主義學堂(第一集)Koo Jing Feminist Lecture Ep1

單身無人之境系列之 ❤ 打電話約十年無見男同學去街(大結局)Single Life Series ❤ Goon a date with junior school classmate (finale)

單身無人之境系列之 ❤ 打電話問男性朋友借精 Single Life Series ❤ Borrow Sperm from a male friend

單身無人之境系列之 ❤ 約十年無見男同學去街 Single Life - Asking out with a friend who I haven't seen in 10 years (ep1)

COLD CALL一曲系列之❤忘記唔到和記 Have A Small Talk With The Customer Service